Qld Motorkhana Championship
Date & Time
24 September 2023
8am – 4pm (Gates open at 8am)
$60 Adults / $30 Juniors
(Additional costs for licences may apply)
Queensland Raceway
133 Champions Way, Willowbank QLD 4306
Compete against the best of Queensland’s competitors in the 2022 Queensland Motorkhana Championship at Queensland Raceway. The object of the event is to complete all the tests of the program in the shortest possible time, without incurring penalties. Total times will be tallied for individual winners in outright and class categories. It’s a great opportunity to see what you and your car can do – and compete to become the best in Queensland.
Competitors must have a current Motorsport Australia licence (day licenses not available).
Entries are online only and you will need to complete the Entry Form in full. Entry closes 11:59pm on Friday 22nd September. If you need help. please email us at entries@hsccq.com
To complete the entry form you will need to login to the Motorsport Australia members portal (using your licence/member number and password if already in MA or register a new login if you are new to MA and plan to buy a day licence on your entry) and go to Event Entry -> My Details. Then add your Vehicle details (including the “AUS MK” Motorkhana Class) to the My Cars section. If you have any Additional Drivers, add them as a Crew Type “Driver” in the My Crew section (you will need to know their Last Name and MA login number).
Once your Car and Crew (additional drivers, if any) have been saved on your profile, you can use this link (or the big red button on the right) to open the specific entry form for this Motorkhana event, and then use the Car and Crew info you saved to complete the entry form. You may have up to 1 additional driver (click the Cross Entry button) on each entry form. If you have a 3rd or 4th driver in the same vehicle you will need to submit a second entry form with them as Driver.
Credit Card and Bank Deposit are natively supported payment methods on the form but if you wish to continue paying with PayPal just select the option for PayPal Invoice and then use “Confirm without paying” when completing the entry form. We will manually send you an invoice via email directly from our PayPal account. You can contact HSCCQ via phone, email or even Facebook if you need help using the new entry form system.

Your car
Your vehicle must be presented in a clean and tidy roadworthy condition. No special modifications are required. An everyday, road registered vehicle is ideal. Multiple drivers can compete in the same vehicle. Families are welcome.
Scrutineering information can be found in our FAQs

Your license
You must be a member of a Motorsport Australia affiliated car club and hold a current Motorsport Australia Competition License (level Speed/Speed Junior or higher). Day licenses are available for purchase (limit: 1 per year). Details are on the entry form.

Your Safety
HSCCQ events are held in accordance with Motorsport Australia OH&S, Motorsport Australia Safety 1st and Risk Management policies – more details at are available from motorsport.org.au
Queensland road registered cars require a CTP extension letter. The entry form has step-by-step instructions for setting this up.

Motorkhana Tests
Courses are low speed and marked by flags. Entrants are timed across the course, and are penalised for striking flags, going in the wrong direction, or failing to stop (adding five seconds to their total time per penalty).
Electronic & or Manual timing starts at the competitors own time, when the vehicle breaks the designated timing line and ceases when the front of the vehicle crosses the finish line.

The winner is the drive with the lowest aggregate, including any penalties, at the completion of the event. In the case of equal scores, the tied Competitors must be declared joint winners.
You can read more about scoring in the 2023 Motorsport Australia National Motorkhana Standing Regulations

Vehicle Classes
Classes separate production cars from specially built vehicles, and small cars from larger vehicles. Awards are given in each class, and to junior and female competitors.
There will be seven classes as follows:
Class A= wheelbase up to 2150mm
Class B= wheelbase from 2151 to 2390mm
Class C= wheelbase from 2391 to 2574mm
Class D= wheelbase 2575mm and over
Class E = Production vehicles with 4WD
Class F = Front wheel drive specials
Class G = Rear wheel drive specials Class